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To read under News - Very important message concerning the removal of administrative geographic terms from the RVM. X

Search tips


Autocomplete : Quickly launch a search by choosing from among the suggested character strings.

For basic, browse, and advanced searches, the system will suggests authorities that start with the same character string entered in the search window.

This autocomplete function eliminates the need to type in all the characters of the authority in question (vedette-matière or descripteur).

To quickly launch a search, select an authority from the autocomplete list and press Enter instead of clicking on the magnifying glass.



Browse search: General index vs. specific index(es)

In a browse search:

  • To directly choose all indexes, click on the name of the thesaurus in the dark grey upper section. The button will turn red. 





Note: The Rvm (Topics) thesaurus is selected by default, unless you have selected a different default thesaurus in your My RVM.


  • To directly choose a specific thesaurus index, click on the grey or red arrow under the name of the thesaurus and choose the desired index from that list that displays.




