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To read under News - Very important message concerning the removal of administrative geographic terms from the RVM. X

Discover RVM

RVM offers a vast range of products and services, in continuous development, to meet your indexing needs for all types of documents on all subjects

  • RVM products

    The 5 thesauruses

    RVM (Topics)

    • translation and adaptation of
      • Library of Congress Subject Headings ( LCSH
      • Canadian Subject Headings ( CSH) of Library and Archives Canada
      • Medical Subject Headings ( MeSH) of National Library of Medicine 
      • Art and Architecture Thesaurus ( AAT) of J. Paul Getty Trust 


    • original subject headings, unique to RVM


    • equivalence with Répertoire d’autorité-matière encyclopédique et alphabétique unifié ( RAMEAU) of Bibliothèque nationale de France


    • containing subject headings
      • topical
      • geographic
      • buildings
      • events
      • certain categories of proper names: gods, dukes, family names, programming languages, fictional and legendary characters, sects, and more


    • containing subdivisions
      • topical
      • form
      • chronological
      • geographic



    • translation and adaptation of Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT), containing genre/form terms



    • translation and adaptation of Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT), containing medium of performance terms for music



    • translation and adaptation of Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT), containing demographic group terms



    • translation of FAST vocabulary developed by OCLC Research and the Library of Congress, faceted post-coordinated vocabulary without free floating subdivisions, simple to learn and apply


    An optimized search experience

    • powerful search engine
    • numerous specialized indexes for each thesaurus to meet the most exacting search requirements
    • user-friendly and relevant results display
    • set of filters for fine-tuning results
    • variety of options for extracting results: print, download, email


    Learn more
  • RVM services

    New and modified authorities 

    Interested in tracking vocabulary updates in the 5 thesauruses? With RVM you see new and modified authorities in all 5 thesauruses.

    If you have subscribed to RVM updates, you will be able to download them directly here.

    If you are an RVMWeb or CD-ROM subscriber only, you will be able to individually modify authorities of interest to you that are used in your catalogue’s bibliographic records.

    See the new or modified authorities in


    Requests for the creation, equivalence, or modification of authorities

    As a subscriber, you may need an authority that is not in one the 4 RVM thesauruses, want to report a typo in an authority record, or add a "used for" reference. With RVM you can submit requests for the creation, equivalence, and modification of authorities for your specific indexing needs.

    Make a request to RVM 


    Automated translation of authorities

    To derive bibliographic records with authorities in French and produce a machine translation, use the automated translation of authorities service. This service will translate authorities in bibliographic records from English to French or French to English

    • one by one
    • by catch
    • by retrospective batch


    Subscribe to automated translation 



    The RVM team offers self-training tools designed for indexers. You will find them here (in French only).


    My RVM: an RVMWeb service

    Looking to personalize your RVMWeb search and display environment? RVM’s settings allow you to customize your environment (RVMWeb subscribers only).

  • Subscribe to RVM products and services

    Interested in RVM’s thesauruses? Subscribers enjoy access to RVM (Topics), RVMGF, RVMMEM, RVMGD, and all RVM services.

    Subscribe to RVM 

  • RVM in numbers

    RVM (Topics)

    • total number of subject headings: 336 977
    • total number of non-geographic subject headings: 225 908
    • total number of geographic headings: 69 241
    • total number of topical subdivisions: 3 969
    • total number of geographic subdivisions: 50 145
    • total number of chronological subdivisions: 36
    • total number of form subdivisions: 638
    • total number "used for" references: 357 126
    • total number of subject headings with at least an equivalent
    • LCSH equivalents: 199 185
    • MeSH equivalents: 13 271
    • CSH equivalents: 2 268
    • AAT equivalents: 11 411
    • RAMEAU equivalents: 22 327
    • RVM English equivalents: 74 716



    • total number of genre/form terms: 2 167



    • total number of medium of performance terms for music: 830



    • total number of demographic group terms: 1 613



    • total number of RVMFAST authorities: 375 175 including 370 000 from the topical facet and 3 700 from the geographic facet